Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Mission Statement

Why am I doing this?
I'm chiefly starting this blog to practice my typing skills. I've been using my quarantine time to finally learn this skill. I've always been embarrassed about my typing. I make so many mistakes that I've been nicknamed the "English Teacher Who Can't Spell". I spell very well but I have fat little sausage fingers and no typing training. Practice makes perfect and I need a lot of practice.
Plus I have ADD. Multitasking helps me focus. Just ask my girlfriend. I talk way too much during the movies we watch together, This way I can get my thoughts out without disturbing her.

Why a movie blog? 
Movies have always been my favorite pastime. I was grounded a lot as a boy so I became addicted to TV and books. They helped me escape into the world when I couldn't be in it. This statewide lockdown is bringing back those old feelings. Plus, now that I don't need to hunt and peck, I can watch and type without looking at the keyboard.

Who is this for?
Myself, of course, maybe I'll share it with my brother. Maybe my students, to show them some writing and provide an example.

The Rules?
I cannot watch any movie I've seen before. I am allowed to finish watching films I've previously started. Must pick offbeat movies - no blockbusters. 

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Hammer - Day 16