Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Color Out of Space - Day 1

Just great to see director Richard Stanley back. Taking chances on an old H.P. Lovecraft story and offering us a unique film. Also good to see Nicholas Cage doing something seriously weird again. Reminds you that he was once a serious actor who took risks in great films like Vampire's Kiss and Wild at Heart. Much of Color out of Space works well. A nice rebirth for Stanley, who left the business after the Island of Doctor Moreau debacle (1996). Joely Richardson, whom I normally hate, does a great job balancing Cage and creating a sympathetic character while acting her way around the grotesqueness she becomes.  The film actually reminds me of Stuart Gordon’s work, with a little more aesthetic. Nice job casting Tommy Chong as the mystic hermit in the woods. Stanley builds the tension well and picks up the pace when it is needed. The visual effects avoid a lot of cheesiness (some was understandably unavoidable though). It is impressively trippy, in a David Lynch good way. You don’t see that style too often anymore. I hope Stanley continues making weird, challenging films.

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Hammer - Day 16